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This configuration file is located in the following directory: ../ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer

All parameters given in this table are written under the block[/script/shootergame.shootergamemode]


Argument footnote
  • Boolean value - values True or False
  • Fractional number - a number with a dot. Example: 1.0
  • Integer - a number without a dot. Example: 28
  • String - set of letters and numbers No spaces!. Example: Okoloberezy123
BabyCuddleGracePeriodMultiplier Fractional number BabyCuddleGracePeriodMultiplier=1.0 The period of time after which attachment will decrease in the infant creature, after the last courtship
BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier Fractional number BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=1.0 The time interval between caring for the creature's baby
BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier Fractional number BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier
The rate of decrease in attachment in a baby creature after the player forgot to take care of it
BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier Fractional number BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier=1.0 The rate of food consumption by the infant creature.
Less - reduces food consumption
BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier Fractional number BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier=1.0 The amount of skill gain depends on the percentage of caring for the creature's baby.
Value 0.0 - turns off the skill boost system
BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier Fractional number BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=1.0 The growth rate of a baby creature.
Less is slower speed
bAllowCustomRecipes Boolean value bAllowCustomRecipes=False Allows or prohibits the use of third-party recipes.
False - prohibits
True - allows
bAutoPvETimer Boolean value bAutoPvETimer=False Automatic switching between PvE and PvP modes relative to real time or game day.
bAutoPvETimer - enables or disables automatic mode switching
bAutoPvEUseSystemTime Boolean value bAutoPvEUseSystemTime=False Automatic switching between PvE and PvP modes relative to real time or game day.
bAutoPvEUseSystemTime - sets what time to use (real or game day)
AutoPvEStartTimeSeconds Integer from 0 to 86400 AutoPvEStartTimeSeconds=0 Automatic switching between PvE and PvP modes relative to real time or game day.
AutoPvEStartTimeSeconds - sets the start time of PvE mode activation
AutoPvEStopTimeSeconds Integer from 0 to 86400 AutoPvEStopTimeSeconds=86400 Automatic switching between PvE and PvP modes relative to real time or game day.
AutoPvEStopTimeSeconds - sets the end time of PvE mode
bDisableDinoRiding Boolean value bDisableDinoRiding=False Allows or prohibits straddling creatures.
False - allows
True - prohibits
bDisableDinoTaming Boolean value bDisableDinoTaming=False Allows or prohibits the domestication of creatures.
False - allows
True - prohibits
bDisableLootCrates Boolean value bDisableLootCrates=False Allows or disables help containers.
False - allows
True - prohibits
bDisableStructurePlacementCollision Boolean value bDisableStructurePlacementCollision
Allows or disables the placement of structures in textures.
False - prohibits
True - allows
bFlyerPlatformAllowUnalignedDinoBasing Boolean value bFlyerPlatformAllowUnalignedDinoBasing
Allows or prohibits placing untamed creatures on plateaus.
False - prohibits
True - allows
bIncreasePvPRespawnInterval Boolean value bIncreasePvPRespawnInterval=False Controls the respawn interval of characters in PvP after being killed by an enemy character, structure, or creature.
bIncreasePvPRespawnInterval - enables or disables the interval increment system rebirth
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalCheckPeriod Fractional number IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalCheckPeriod
Controls the respawn interval of characters in PvP after being killed by an enemy character, structure, or creature.
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalCheckPeriod - sets the time after which the player no time will be added to the rebirth
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalMultiplier Fractional number IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalMultiplier=2.0 Controls the respawn interval of characters in PvP after being killed by an enemy character, structure, or creature.
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalMultiplier - sets the multiplier for increasing the respawn time after death of a character
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalBaseAmount Fractional number IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalBaseAmount=60.0 Controls the respawn interval of characters in PvP after being killed by an enemy character, structure, or creature.
IncreasePvPRespawnIntervalBaseAmount - sets the initial respawn time of the player after the first death
bOnlyAllowSpecifiedEngrams Boolean value bOnlyAllowSpecifiedEngrams=False Allows or prohibits the use of engrams only from the list listed in the parameters OverrideEngramEntries and/or OverrideNamedEngramEntries.
False - prohibits
True - allows
bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos Boolean value bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos
Allows or prohibits damage to a non-rider creature or a wild creature from structures (such as:stakes).
False - prohibits
True - allows
bPvEAllowTribeWar Boolean value bPvEAllowTribeWar=True Enables or disables the ability for tribes to officially declare war on each other
bPvEAllowTribeWarCancel Boolean value bPvEAllowTribeWarCancel=False Enables or disables the possibility of canceling a tribal war before it actually starts
bPvEDisableFriendlyFire Boolean value bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=False Enables or disables the ability to inflict damage to tribe members, structures, and creatures on PvE servers
ConfigAddNPCSpawnEntriesContainer String
Fractional number
Fractional number
NPCSpawnEntries=( (AnEntryName=
"GigaSpawner", EntryWeight=1000.0,
Character_BP_C"))), NPCSpawnLimits
=( (NPCClassString="Gigant_
Character_BP_C", MaxPercentageOf
Adds the specified creature to the specified location in the zone.
NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString - indicates the rebirth zone
AnEntryName - indicates the location of the zone
EntryWeight - indicates the total number of creatures in the specified area
NPCsToSpawnStrings and NPCClassString - indicates the creature
MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow - indicates the number of creatures of this type
ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts String
Fractional number
Boolean value
BaseCraftingResourceRequirements=( (ResourceItemTypeString="PrimalItemResource
_Thatch_C", BaseResourceRequirement=1.0,
ArrowStone_C", BaseResourceRequirement=2.0, bCraftingRequireExactResourceType=false)))
Overwrites the cost and resources of the item required to create.
ItemClassString - indicates the item for which it is being changed cost and resources
ResourceItemTypeString - indicates the resource
BaseResourceRequirement - indicates the amount of resource required
bCraftingRequireExactResourceType - indicates whether this particular resource is needed, or its replacement can be used, for example (polymer and organic polymer)
ConfigOverrideNPCSpawnEntriesContainer String
Fractional number
Fractional number
"DinoSpawnEntriesBeach_C" , NPCSpawnEntries
=( (AnEntryName="GigaSpawner", EntryWeight
=1000.0, NPCsToSpawnStrings=("Gigant_Character_BP_C"))),
NPCSpawnLimits=( (NPCClassString="Gigant_Character_BP_C",
The parameter sets the amount of stamina consumed by the character.
A value greater than 1.0 increases the amount of stamina consumed
PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier Fractional number PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1.0 Overwrites all creatures specified in the parameter to the specified location in the zone.
NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString - indicates the rebirth zone
AnEntryName - indicates the location of the zone
EntryWeight - indicates the total number of creatures in the specified area
NPCsToSpawnStrings and NPCClassString - indicates the creature
MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow - indicates the number of creatures of this type
ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems String
Fractional number
Boolean value
Fractional number
Fractional number
Boolean value
Fractional number
Fractional number
Fractional number
Fractional number
Fractional number
Fractional number
Boolean value
Fractional number
Level03_C", MinItemSets=1, MaxItemSets=1,
 NumItemSetsPower=1.0, bSetsRandomWithoutReplacement=true,
ItemSets=(( MinNumItems=2, MaxNumItems=2,
 NumItemsPower=1.0, SetWeight=1.0, bItemsRandomWithoutReplacement=true,
ItemEntries=(( EntryWeight=1.0,
Stone_C"), ItemsWeights=(1.0),
MinQuantity=10.0, MaxQuantity=10.0,
MinQuality=1.0, MaxQuality=1.0, bForceBlueprint=false,
Overwrites the extraction in the beams
SupplyCrateClassString - the name of the beam
MinItemSets - minimum number of sets of items which can fall out in the beam
MaxItemSets - the maximum number of sets of items that can fall in the beam
NumItemSetsPower - DO NOT TOUCH
bSetsRandomWithoutReplacement - allows or prohibits the appearance of the same set several times in 1 ray
MinNumItems - minimum number of items included
MaxNumItems - maximum number of objects in the beam
NumItemsPower - DO NOT TOUCH
setWeight - chance of this kit's lunge into the beam [from 0.01 to 1.0]
bItemsRandomWithoutReplacement - allows or prohibits the lunge of the same object in 1 set
EntryWeight - chance of this item from this set falling into the beam
ItemClassStrings - item name
ItemsWeights - DO NOT TOUCH
MinQuantity - minimum quantity of this item
MaxQuantity - maximum quantity of this item
MinQuality - minimum quality of this item
MaxQuality - maximum quality of this item
bForceBlueprint - the item will be a recipe or not
ChanceToBeBlueprintOverride - chance that the item will be a recipe [from 0.0 to 1.0] (with
bForceBlueprint=True - it is useless to set a value greater than 0.0)
GlobalSpoilingTimeMultiplier Fractional number GlobalSpoilingTimeMultiplier=1.0 Increases the decomposition time of perishable products.
Higher values increase the time.
GlobalItemDecompositionTimeMultiplier Fractional number GlobalItemDecompositionTimeMultiplier
Increases the decomposition time of fallen objects, bags, etc.
Higher values increase the time.
GlobalCorpseDecompositionTimeMultiplier Fractional number GlobalCorpseDecompositionTimeMultiplier
Increases the decomposition time of corpses.
Higher values increase the time.
HarvestResourceItemAmountClassMultipliers=(ClassName="",Multiplier=) String, Fractional number HarvestResourceItemAmountClassMultipliers=
Multiplier = 2.0)
Increases the amount of extraction of specific resources.
By increasing the value, the amount of resources collected per hit increases.
PreventDinoTameClassNames String PreventDinoTameClassNames="Sauropod_
Prohibits the domestication of certain dinosaur species.
ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers Fractional number ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers=1.0 The distance from the players at which it is possible to restore resources.
ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures Fractional number ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures=1.0 The distance from the structures at which it is possible to restore resources
bPvEDisableFriendlyFire Boolean value bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=False Enabling or disabling FriendlyFire on the PVE server between clans.
PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player Attribute, fractional number PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[0]=1.0 Changing the value of leveling character characteristics for each level.
0: Health, 1: Stamina, 2: Torpidity,
3: Oxygen, 4: Food, 5: Water,
6: Temperature, 7: Weight, 8: MeleeDamageMultiplier,
9: SpeedMultiplier, 10: TemperatureFortitude,
11: CraftingSpeedMultiplier
PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed Attribute, Fractional number PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed[0]=1.0 Change the value of leveling the characteristics of a tamed dinosaur for each level.
0: Health, 1: Stamina, 3: Oxygen, 4: Food,
5: Water, 7: Weight, 8: MeleeDamageMultiplier,
9: SpeedMultiplier.
PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed_Affinity Attribute, Fractional number PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed_
Changing the value of binding performance characteristics for dinosaurs. 0: Health, 1: Stamina, 3: Oxygen, 4: Food,
5: Water, 7: Weight, 8: MeleeDamageMultiplier,
9: SpeedMultiplier.
bFlyerPlatformAllowUnalignedDinoBasing Boolean value bFlyerPlatformAllowUnalignedDinoBasing
Changing the setting makes it possible to place unfriendly creatures and characters on dinosaur platforms
MatingIntervalMultiplier Fractional number MatingIntervalMultiplier=1.0 A parameter that changes the rollback interval between the ability to mate dinosaurs.
Lower values reduce the rollback time.
EggHatchSpeedMultiplier Fractional number EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=1.0 The rate of egg incubation and pregnancy in viviparous women.
BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier Fractional number BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=1.0 The growth rate of the cubs.
BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier Fractional number BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier
The rate of food consumption by baby dinosaurs.
CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier Fractional number CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier=1.0 The rate of crop growth.
LayEggIntervalMultiplier Fractional number LayEggIntervalMultiplier=1.0 The rate of egg laying.
CropDecaySpeedMultiplier Fractional number CropDecaySpeedMultiplier=1.0 The rate of decomposition.
HairGrowthSpeedMultiplier Fractional number HairGrowthSpeedMultiplier=1.0 Hair Growth Rate
StructureDamageRepairCooldown Integer StructureDamageRepairCooldown=180 Setting the rollback time for the repair of a building since the last damage was inflicted on it.
By default, this is 180 seconds.
bPvEAllowTribeWar Boolean value bPvEAllowTribeWar=False PvE option "Tribal War".
Tribes can officially declare war on each other for a mutually agreed period of time.
bPvEAllowTribeWarCancel Boolean value bPvEAllowTribeWarCancel=False The tribes on your server can cancel the agreed war before it starts.
bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos Boolean value bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos
Enabling or disabling damage from spikes (spike walls) to wild dinosaurs and dinosaurs without riders.
CustomRecipeEffectivenessMultiplier Fractional number CustomRecipeEffectivenessMultiplier
The effectiveness of custom recipes.
CustomRecipeSkillMultiplier Fractional number CustomRecipeSkillMultiplier=1.0 The speed of creating recipes.
DinoHarvestingDamageMultiplier Fractional number DinoHarvestingDamageMultiplier=1.0 Efficiency of dinosaur resource collection.
PlayerHarvestingDamageMultiplier Fractional number PlayerHarvestingDamageMultiplier=1.0 Efficiency of resource collection by characters.
DinoTurretDamageMultiplier Fractional number DinoTurretDamageMultiplier=1.0 Damage inflicted by automatic turrets on dinosaurs.
MaxNumberOfPlayersInTribe Integer MaxNumberOfPlayersInTribe=0 The maximum number of players in the tribe.
PvPZoneStructureDamageMultiplier Fractional number PvPZoneStructureDamageMultiplier=6.0 Determines the damage to buildings in caves or near caves on PvP servers.
LimitTurretsNum Integer LimitTurretsNum=200 Defines the maximum number of turrets possible to place in the area.
bAllowUnlimitedRespecs Boolean value bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=False Allows the use of the tonic "Amnesia" without restrictions on the level.
FishingLootQualityMultiplier Fractional number FishingLootQualityMultiplier=1.0 Changes the quality of the extracted recipes during fishing.
SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier Fractional number SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier=1.0 Changes the quality of mined items and recipes in supply beams and cave boxes.
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