Frogs. Again, the sweetest creatures, after the bees, of course. They will appear in swamp biomes, but their small tadpoles can swim to other places. There are already three types of frogs: marsh (orange), snow (green) and tropical (white). Where the frog will turn into a frog - that's the color it will be. The developers wanted to teach jumping creatures to catch fireflies (new small mobs), but it turned out that in reality the latter are poisonous to frogs. For better or worse, the thought of these new bugs is being put aside in the Mojang idea box. Instead of fireflies, frogs will eat slimes. Ordinary and lava. At the same time, slime and "frog lights" fall out, respectively, new glowing blocks, some of the brightest in the game.

Deep Dark depths (or Gloomy Depths). A cave biome that is generated deep, as the name suggests, underground. Dangerous. Adds stealth to the game. If you make noise near the Gloomy Depths, you will be detected by vibration sensors (new blocks, "rolling sensors") that summon the Guardian. Incredibly tenacious, killing even players in non-cerite armor in a few blows, he will sniff and listen to the surrounding stone vaults of the cave to find and destroy the troublemaker.

Ancient cities. A new underground structure. There is an atmosphere of abandonment. They fit perfectly into a row with existing abandoned mines. You can find something valuable here. Chests with jewelry and other loot are scattered around, but there are also empty ones. There is also a new, unique extraction of "echo fragments". From eight of these and a regular compass, a "recovery compass" is created, pointing to your last place of death. A part of the city is always struck by the biome of Gloomy Depths: exploration will not be safe.
Other additions that lacked a thematic paragraph:
• Allay (hasty, quiet) – a friendly little «fairy » who is always caught and imprisoned in a cage somewhere. If released, – will help the player as much as possible. Carries objects.
• Darkness is a new effect that you can get in the Gloomy Depths under the action of one of the new blocks. Atmospheric effect. It differs from blindness.
• As it should be, you can craft a bunch of things from a mangrove tree. Boards, then boats, steps, fences, signs, buttons, doors, etc.
• Birch forest. A new biome, about which little is known before the release.
• Many new blocks in the Gloomy depths and ancient cities.
• A tadpole can be put in a bucket of water.
• Boat with a chest. You can get in there, just like in a regular boat. But together with a friend is unlikely.
Official announcement: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/the-wild-update-coming